joi, 17 aprilie 2014


a torah tem todas as respostas pra ter piada
o senhor tem um piadão do carvalho
do castanheiro acho que não né...
Jaakan, tribulation; labor,[3] he twists,[4] he shall surround,[5] intelligent, [6]
Jaakobah, supplanter; deceiver; the heel[7][8]
Jaala, ascending, a little doe or goat;[7][8] wild goat;' [9]
Jaalam, hidden; young man; heir,[10] whom God hides,[11] concealer,[12] he will be hid,[8]
Jaanai, answering; afflicting; making poor,[13] whom Jehovah answers,[14] mourner,[15] Jehovah answers,[8]
Jaasau, doing; my doing,[16] whom Jehovah made,[17] fabricator,[18] Jehovah makes,[8]
Jaasiel, God's work,[19] whom God comforts,[20] made by God,[9][21] God is maker,[8]
Jaasu, created;[9]
Jaazaniah, whom the Lord will hear,[22] whom Jehovah hears,[23] Jehovah does hear, [8] may God hear'[9]
Jaazah, Jaazar, Jazer, assistance; helper,[24] Jehovah helps[25][26]
Jaaziah, Jaaziel, the strength of the Jehovah, sprinkling of the Lord,[27] whom Jehovah expidates,[28] God consoles or determines, [8] may God strengthen,[9]
Jaaziel, God is determining or consoling,[8] may God strengthen,[9]
Jabal, which glides away,[29] stream; "the father of such as dwell in tents and have cattle" (Genesis 4:20). This description indicates that he led a wandering life.[30][31] A shepherd[32] a river, moving, or which glides away,[33] stream,[9]
Jabbok, evacuation; dissipation; wrestling[7]
Jabesh, dryness; confusion; shame;[7] a dry place;[33] dry,[9]
Jabez, sorrow; trouble;[7] he makes sorrow or height;[33] sorrow;[34]
Jabin, Jabneh, whom God observes,[35] discerner; the wise;[36] God discerns or intelligent;[33] he understands,[34]
Jabneel, building of God,[37][38] built by God[39]
Jachan, wearing out; oppressing;[7] afflicting or troublous;[33] affliction,[34]
Jachin, he that strengthens and makes steadfast,[40] he shall establish,[41] he does establish or founding;[33] established;[34]
Jacob, that supplants, undermines; the heel, [42] supplanter,[43] one who follows on another's heels; supplanter;[44] he that supplants or follows after;[45] supplanted;[34]
Jada, knowing,[46] wise[47][48]
Jadau, his hand; his confession,[7] favorite or friend[48]
Jadon, he will judge; thankful;[7] he that rules or abids,[48]
Jaddua, known,[7] very knowing,[48]
Jael, a goat, agile [7]
Jagur, husbandman; stranger[7]
Jah, the everlasting[49] abbreviation of Jehovah[50]
Jahaleel, praising God; light of God[51]
Jahath, broken in pieces; descending;[7] revival or grasping;[48]
Jahaz, Jahazah, quarrel; dispute[7]
Jahaziah, Jahzeiah, the vision of the Lord;[52] Jehovah reveals;[48] Jehovah sees;[53]
Jahaziel, seeing God,[54] whom God watches over,[55] beheld by God,[56] God sees or reveals,[48]
Jahdai, guide or he directs,[53]
Jahdiel, the unity, or sharpness, or revenge, of God;[7] union of God or God makes glad;[53]
Jahdo, I alone; his joy; his sharpness of wit; his newness;[7] union; [53]
Jahleel, waiting for, or beseeching, or hope in, God;[7] God waits or God does grievously afflict; [53]
Jahmai, warm; making warm;[7] Johovah protects or lusty;[53]
Jahzeel, Jahziel, God hasteth, or divideth;[7] God apportions or distributes;[53]
Jahzerah, Jehovvah protects or may he lead back;[53]
Jair, my light; who diffuses light;[7] Jehovah enlightens, arouses or who diffuses light;[53]
Jairus, He will enlighten or diffuse light;[53]
Jakan, same as Achan[7]
Jakeh, pious or hearkening;[53]
Jakim, rising; confirming; establishing[7]
Jalon, tarrying; murmuring,[57] abiding,[58] lodger[59]
Jambres, poverty; bitter; a rebel[7]
James, same as Jacob,[60] the Greek form of Jacob, supplanter (to take the place of another, as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like)[61]
Jamin, right hand; south wind[7]
Jamlech, reigning; asking counsel[7]
Janna, Jannes, who speaks or answers; afflicted; poor[7]
Janoah, Janohah, resting; tarrying; deriving,[62] rest[63][64]
Janum, sleeping[7]
Japhet, enlarged; fair; persuading[7]
Japheth, same as Japhet[7]
Japhia, enlightening; appearing[7]
Japhlet, Japhleti, delivered; banished[7]
Japho, fairness; comeliness[7]
Jarah, a wood; honeycomb; watching closely[7]
Jareb, a revenger[7]
Jared, a ruling; commanding; coming down[7]
Jaresiah, the bed of Lord; the Lord hath taken away; poverty,[65] whom Jehovah nourishes[66]
Jarib, fighting; chiding; multiplying; avenging[7]
Jarmuth, fearing, or seeing, or throwing down, death[7]
Jarvah, breathing, or making, a sweet smell[7]
Jashem, Jashen, ancient; sleeping[7]
Jasher, righteous; upright[7]
Jashobeam, the people sitting; or captivity of the people[7]
Jashub, a returning; a controversy; a dwelling place[7]
Jasiel, the strength of God,[67] whom God made[68]
Jason, he that cures,[69] He that will cure,[70] one who will heal[71]
Jathniel, gift of God,[72] whom God gives[73]
Jattir, a remnant; excellent[7]
Javan, deceiver; one who makes sad[7]
Jazeel, strength of God[74]
Jazer, assistance; helper,[24] Jehovah helps[25]
Jaziz, brightness; departing[7]
Jearim, a leap; woods[7]
Jeaterai, whom Jehovah searching out; leads,[75] whom Jehovah leads[76]
Jeberechiah, speaking well of, or kneeling to, Jehovah;[77] whom Jehovah blesses[78]
Jebus, treading under foot; manger[7]
Jebusi, trodden under foot; mangers[7]
Jecamiah, resurrection, or confirmation, or revenge, of the Lord,[79] whom Jehovah gathers[80]
Jecoliah, perfection, or power, of Jehovah,[81] able through Jehovah,[82] The same as Jecholiah: strong through Jehovah[83]
Jeconiah, preparation, or stability, of Jehovah[7]
Jedaiah, the hand of the Lord; confessing Jehovah[7]
Jedeiah, one Lord; the joy of the Jehovah[7]
Jediael, knowledge, of God[7]
Jedidah, well beloved; amiable[7]
Jedidiah, beloved of the Lord,[84] beloved of Jehovah[85][86]
Jediel, the knowledge, or renewing, of God[87]
Jeduthun, his law; giving praise[7]
Jeezer, island of help[7]
Jegar-sahadutha, heap of witness[7]
Jehaleleel, Jehalelel, praising God; clearness of God[7]
Jehaziel, same as Jahaziel[7]
Jehdeiah, one Lord; the joy of the Lord,[88]
Jeheiel, God liveth[7]
Jehezekel, strength of God[7]
Jehiah, the Lord liveth,[89] Jehovah lives[90]
Jehiskiah, the strength,[91] the strength, or taking, of the Lord[92]
Jehoadah, passing over; testimony of the Lord,[93] whom Jehovah adorns[94]
Jehoaddan, pleasure, or time, of Jehovah[7]
Jehoahaz, possession of Jehovah[7]
Jehoash, fire of Jehovah,[95] Jehovah-given[96]
Jehohanan, grace,[97] whom Jehovah gave, a name of which John is the contraction.[98]
Jehoiachin, preparation, or strength, of Jehovah[7]
Jehoiada, knowledge of Jehovah[7]
Jehoiakim, avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of Jehovah[7]
Jehoiarib, fighting, or multiplying, of Jehovah[7]
Jehonadab, Jonadab, free giver; liberality[7]
Jehonathan, gift of the Lord; gift of a dove,[99] whom Jehovah gave[100][101]
Jehoram, exaltation of Jehovah[7]
Jehoshaphat, the Lord is judge,[102] whom Jehovah judges,[103] Jehovah-judged[104]
Jehosheba, fullness,[105] Jehovah's oath,[106] Jehovah-swearing[107]
Jehoshua, same as Joshua[7]
Jehovah, self-subsisting,[108] I am; the eternal living one,[109] to be, exist,[110] to be, to become; [111] I am who am, hath sent me; I am who am with you,[112]
Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide,[113] Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide[114]
Jehovah-nissi, the Lord my banner,[115] Jehovah my banner[116]
Jehovah-shalom, the Lord send peace,[117] Jehovah send peace[118]
Jehovah-shammah, Jehovah is there,[119] the Lord is there[120]
Jehovah-tsidkenu, Jehovah our righteousness,[121] the Lord our righteousness[122]
Jehozabad, Jehovah dowry; having a dowry,[123] Jehovah-given,[124] whom Jehovah gave[125]
Jehozadak, justice of Jehovah,[126] Jehovah-justified,[127] Jehovah justifies[128]
Jehu, himself who exists[7]
Jehubbah, hiding, binding[7]
Jehucal, mighty; perfect; wasted[7]
Jehud, Jehudi, praising; conferring[7]
Jehudijah, the praise of the Lord[7]
Jehush, keeping counsel; fastened[7]
Jekabzeel, the congregation of God[7]
Jekamean, the people shall arise[7]
Jekamiah, establishing, or revenging, of Jehovah,[129] whom Jehovah gathers[130]
Jekuthiel, hope, or congregation, of Jehovah[131]
Jemima, handsome as the day[7]
Jemuel, God's day; son of God[7]
Jephthah, Whom God sets free[7]
Jephunneh, he that beholds[7]
Jerah, the moon; month; smelling sweet[7]
Jerahmeel, the mercy, or the beloved, of God[7]
Jered, ruling; coming down[7]
Jeremai, my height; throwing forth waters[7]
Jeremiah, exaltation of Jehovah,[132] raised up or appointed by Jehovah,[133] whom Jehovah has appointed[134]
Jeremoth, eminences; one that fears death[7]
Jeriah, fear, or throwing down, of Jehovah[7]
Jerebai, fighting; chiding; multiplying[7]
Jericho, his moon; his month; his sweet smell[7]
Jeriel, fear, or vision of God[7]
Jerijah, same as Jeriah[7]
Jerimoth, he that fears or rejects death[7]
Jerioth, kettles; breaking asunder[7]
Jeroboam, he that opposes the people[7]
Jeroham, high; merciful; beloved[7]
Jerubbaal, let Baal contend with him[7]
Jerubbesheth, let the idol of confusion defend itself[7]
Jeruel, fear, or vision of God[7]
Jerusalem, vision of peace,[135] the habitation of peace,[136]
Jerusha, banished; possession; inheritance[7]
Jesaiah, health, or salvation, of Jehovah,[137] salvation of Jehovah[138]
Jeshebeab, sitting, or captivity, of the father[7]
Jesher, right; singing[7]
Jeshimon, solitude; desolation[7]
Jeshishai, ancient; rejoicing exceedingly[7]
Jeshohaia, Jehovah pressing; the meditation of God[139]
Jeshua, same as Joshua[7]
Jesiah, sprinkling of the Lord[7]
Jesimiel, naming, or astonishment, of God[7]
Jesse, gift; oblation; one who is[7]
Jesui, even-tempered; flat country[7]
Jesus, savior; deliverer,[140] The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, a contraction of Jehoshua, that is, help of Jehovah or saviour.[141] Latin: Jesus, Iesus, Iesu, Josue. Greek: Ieous from Hebrew Yeshua. Also means safety, victory and who's help is Jehovah or it may be from the verb "Yasha", "to save," and = Jehovah Savior, or simply Savior;[142] a late form of Hebrew "yehosua", the meaning of which is "YHWH is salvation" or "YHWH saves/has saved." [143] Online definition of "savior." [144] Latin term drove out Old English "hæland" which means "healer" as the preferred descriptive term for Jesus.[145]
Jether, he that excels[7]
Jetheth, giving[7]
Jethlah, hanging up; heaping up[7]
Jethro, his excellence; his posterity[7]
Jetur, order; succession; mountainous[7]
Jeuel, God hath taken away; God heaping up[7]
Jeush, Jeuz, he that is devoured[7]
Jew, same as Judah,[146] a man of Judea,[147] the name derived from the patriarch Judah, at first given to one belonging to the tribe of Judah or to the separate kingdom of Judah ( 2 Kings 16:6 ; 25:25 ; Jeremiah 32:12 ; 38:19 ; 40:11 ; 41:3 )[148]
Jezaniah, nourishment, or weapons, of Jehovah,[149] whom Jehovah hears[150]
Jezebel, not exalted[7]
Jezer, island of help,[151] power[152]
Jeziah, Jeziel, sprinkling of Jehovah,[153] whom Jehovah expiates[154]
Jezoar, clear; white[7]
Jezrahiah, Jehovah arises; brightness of Jehovah,[155] produced by Jehovah,[156] a leader of the choir[157]
Jezreel, seed of God[7]
Jibsam, their drought, their confusion[7]
Jidlaph, he that distills water[7]
Jimnah, right hand; numbering; preparing[7]
Jiphtah, opening[7]
Jiphthael, God opening[7]
Joab, paternity; voluntary[7]
Joachim, rising or establishing of Jehovah[7]
Joah, fraternity; brother of Jehovah[7]
Joahaz, apprehending; possessing; seeing[7]
Joanna, grace or gift of Jehovah,[158] whom Jehovah has graciously given,[159] grace or gift of God[160]
Joash, who despairs or burns[7]
Joatham, same as Jotham[7]
Job, he that weeps or cries,[161] persecuted[162][163]
Jobab, sorrowful, hated[7]
Jochebed, glorious; honorable[7]
Joed, witnessing; robbing; passing over[7]
Joel, he that wills or commands[7]
Joelah, lifting up; profiting; taking away slander[7]
Joezer, he that aids[7]
Jogbehah, an exalting; high[7]
Jogli, passing over; turning back; rejoicing[7]
Joha (or ''Juha''), who enlivens or gives life[7]
Johanan, who is liberal or merciful,[164] whom Jehovah graciously bestows,[165] gift or grace of God,[166] Jehovah is or has been gracious.[167]
John, the grace or mercy of the Lord,[168] Jehovah's gift: the same name as Johanan, a contraction of Jehohanan[169]
Joiarib, chiding, or multiplying, of Jehovah[7]
Jokdeam, crookedness, or burning, of the people[7]
Jokim, that made the sun stand still[7]
Jokmeam, confirmation, or revenge, of the people[7]
Jokneam, possessing, or building up, of the people[7]
Jokshan, an offense; hardness; a knocking[7]
Joktan, small dispute; contention; disgust[7]
Jonadab, who gives liberally[7]
Jonah, or Jonas, a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer[7]
Jonan, a dove; multiplying of the people[7]
Jonathan, given of God[7]
Joppa, beauty; comeliness,[170] Beauty[171]
Jorah, Jorai, showing; casting forth; a cauldron[7]
Joram, to cast; elevated[7]
Jordan, the river of judgment,[7] Some translate it as "the descender," from the Semitic yrd, "to descend"[172]
Jorim, he that exalts the Lord[7]
Josabad, having a dowry[7]
Josaphat, same as Jehoshaphat[7]
Jose, raised; who pardons[173]
Joseph, increase; addition,[174] remover or increaser,[175] increase,[176] may God add[177]
Joses, same as Jose,[178] exalted[179]
Joshah, being; forgetting; owing[7]
Joshaviah, the seat, alteration, or captivity of Jehovah[7]
Joshbekesha, it is requiring or beseeching[7]
Joshua, a savior; a deliverer[7]
Josiah, the Lord burns; the fire of Jehovah[7]
Josibiah, the seat, or captivity of Jehovah[7]
Josiphiah, increase of Jehovah; Jehovah's finishing[7]
Jotham, the perfection of Jehovah[7]
Jothath, Jothatha, his goodness[7]
Jozabad, same as Josabad[7]
Jozachar, remembering; of the male sex[7]
Jubal, he that runs; a trumpet[7]
Jucal, mighty; perfect[7]
Judah, the praise of the Lord; confession,[180] praised, celebrated,[181] praise,[182]
Judas, Jude, same as Judah[183]
Judaea, Judea, same as Judah[184]
Judith, same as Judah[185]
Julia, downy; soft and tender hair[7]
Julius, same as Julia[7]
Junia, youth[7]
Jushabhesed, dwelling-place; change of mercy[7]
Justus, just or upright,[186] just[187]
Juttah, turning away[7]

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